Spring cleaning, decluttering and a good nights sleep!


Wow... it’s nearly the end of February already!  Half term, tick. Shrove Tuesday, tick. Valentines tick. I’m now getting organised for my daughter’s birthday celebrations this weekend.

Every year, without fail, I’ve embraced her birthday cake challenge… This year she’s requested an elegant, sophisticated sage green cake with butterflies! So whilst you’re reading this with your coffee spare a thought for me pondering how I’m going to create her desired aesthetic. I have my icing turntable at the ready but with no idea on how to create the right shade of green in butter icing… it’s not as easy as mixing a paint colour! Keep your eyes on our social media - if it’s not too much of a disaster I’ll post a pic! 

With spring on the horizon we’ve given our website a little refresh and uploaded new case studies to our portfolio. We completed some great projects in 2023, and spent time with both the fabulous Holly Bobbins and Stu Cooper photographing a few of our favourites. 

Click here to have a look at what we’ve been up to or if you are keen for a bit of inspiration for your own home.

It's not quite the weather for flinging open the windows and letting the fresh air flood in, but it is the time of year for lots of people to think about spring cleaning, clearing out and freshening up their homes. So, here are a few of our top tips when you feel inspired...


  • Remember, flat surfaces aren't for storage!

  • Have a designated home for everything - keep similar items together

  • Consider labelling drawers, shelves and storage boxes so everyone knows where things live and stay

  • Think vertical when it comes to storage and look for unused spaces

  • Give everyone in the house their own coat hook and crate for shoes 

  • Don’t have unnecessary duplicate items, you only need one cork screw, iron and teapot! 

Spring cleaning

  • The best way to freshen up your curtains is to hoover them with an upholstery/fabric brush attachment

  • Seek professional advice prior to cleaning upholstery and soft furnishings

  • Never steam clean LVT flooring, (e.g Amitico and Karndean)

  • Avoid cleaning your carpets and home furnishings with steam or drenching with water if possible - spot cleaning and regular hoovering is preferable

  • Turn and hoover your mattress regularly - one that is often overlooked!

  • Treat yourself to a professional oven clean -  well worth the money in my opinion! 

  • And lastly...why not purchase a new home fragrance or scented candle to be enjoyed for your efforts?!

The evenings may be getting lighter, but we are still in the 'hunkering down' phase of the year. It’s always a bit of a shock statistic, but you spend a third of your life in bed, so it’s an area not to be scrimped on! I’m passionate about investing in the best sleep experience you can afford.

Our Master Bedroom is the next room on the list for us, and we need a new bed - we’re way past the advised 8-year life span of our current mattress! There is so much choice on the market and a lot to ponder; memory foam, pocket sprung, price, firmness. There was a great article published by Houzz last week that talks all about mattresses. Do have a read if you’d like to know more, it really helps to highlight considerations and explain options.

It may be pouring with rain whilst I sit writing this, however the daffs are out, (and currently brightening up our kitchen and the studio), and thank goodness it’s getting warmer. Next month we’ll be talking about biophilic design and styling, as we head towards Easter… Roll on spring!

With love 

Becci x

2024Sophisticated Cloud